User Engagement / Feedback

Discover all the buildfire possibilities offered by our plugins.

Customer Feedback


Get direct feedback from your app users or customers and create an engaging conversations. Customer feedback is critical in gaining insight and creating better processes for any company.


  • 5 Star Rating
  • Chat with customers
  • Get honest feedback
  • Aggregate reporting

On The Go Push


Send notifications to all of your app users. Simply by opening the app on your smartphone, type a message, and send it immediately or schedule the push notification  for later.


  • Send PN’s from the field
  • Schedule Notification
  • Grant access to PN without the CP
  • Quick and easy to use



Eliminate the cost of trial and error with UpVote. Engage your customers, clients, readers, or students in voting on new products, services, or feature options before launch.. This plugin helps you evaluate initiatives at conception. The vote count among options to help with data-driven business decisions. Upvote also has a push notification feature that will keep you up-to-date on voting and commenting progress.


  • User feedback
  • Prioritize organically 
  • Have a conversation
  • Giver your users a voice



The Polling plugin lets  you to ask one multiple choice question. Participants can choose from among answers that you predefine and get a final polling result.


  • Send PN’s and poll on open
  • Show/Hide stats publicly 
  • Gather user feedback quickly
  • Simple and easy to use

Private Portal


Use the Private Portal plugin to  personalize the users experience by offering them content related to their interests. Different portals can be set for different user tags or specific users.


  • Unique Experience per user
  • Group user experience
  • Rich content to hide/show areas of the app
  • Default view for all even not logged in

Education Game


The Educational game feature is an interactive game designed to help students learn while having fun. The student navigates challenging levels by answering questions designed to not only teach the student but to have them draw upon their knowledge quickly in the face a of pressure. Perfect for any type of educational app.


  • Setup any Multichoice questions
  • Gamify Education
  • Create Competition 
  • Make Learning FunFeatures